You Can’t Outtrain Bad Nutrition
In the realm of health and fitness, the saying "You can't outtrain bad nutrition" stands as a fundamental truth. While exercise is undoubtedly important for overall well-being, the role of nutrition cannot be overstated.
My favorite protein raspberry cake
Protein is essential for a healthy diet, aiding in muscle repair and growth. Quick, tasty, and easy protein meals are a great way to ensure you meet your daily protein needs.
Proteins: recap once and for all
I secretly hope that it becomes mainstream that protein intake should not be feared because if it were really so easy to turn into Hulk steroidized boulders, everyone around us would be carved out of a rock, and we're not, right?
Bali: the place where I train my mind and body
As you may know, I am currently in Indonesia, on the island of Bali. I came here in early September and I'm going to stay for 6 months. As many people wonder what I'm doing here and why I went to Bali, I decided to tell you about it in more detail in this blog.
Perimenopause and menopause
After the recently held so far the most visited and most successful humanitarian & Body event with the theme Menopause: achieving balance and full potential, I would like to comment on this topic and this blog.
What is intuitive eating and why is it currently a big hit? Pitfalls, advantages, dangers…
While diets and specially created nutrition programs prescribe to what extent, what and when to eat, the whole idea behind intuitive eating is that you can eat in quantities that will fill you up - and that you learn when and how to get to that point and then consciously stop to eat, without strict rules (...)
Obesity and its devastating impact on health
Most citizens of Zagreb would say that, at first glance, Croats are a healthy nation - the majority are aware of the importance of a balanced diet and exercise, are active and more or less relatively slim. No, naša metropola nije (...)
My 40 Hour Fasting Experience
Just as every two or three years a certain way of eating or a supposedly miraculous diet is massively popularized, so is in the past 5 years the term fasting, i.e. refraining from consuming food and certain drinks, has become popularized little by little, all for the purpose of (...)
All or nothing
You probably know how it goes - you start a diet or a new intense exercise program on Monday and you decide you won't give up until you get the results you want. Your plan is to exercise at least 5 times a week, walk 10 kilometers every day and, in addition to all that, completely
What is creatine and why should you consume it?
Today's offer of sports supplements is a maze of vitamins, minerals, capsules and powders that many people either believe will replace a balanced diet or avoid them because they think they are just a mix of heavy chemicals. Of course, neither is true, and...
5 health optimization factors
If I see one more "The Most Effective Fat Burning Diet", “Three Exercises To Be #bottyqueen of every beach”, "New Detox For a Shape of a Lifetime", How To Lose Weight Before Summer - a New Diet", "Slim Waist In Two Weeks", "She Ate This Food And Toned Her Whole Body In Just Two Weeks", "Say This Word 3x Every Morning And Lose Up To 6 Kg In A Month", … (continue the series) (...)