MONTHLY PACKAGES | CLASS PACKAGES & Ballet – Beginners / Intermediate / Advanced Tabata HIIT | Conditioning | Strong&Fit Power Pilates | Morning Pilates | Pilates Flow | Just Yoga Prehab | Rehab | Private Classes
drop in €15.00
8 classes €50.00
12 classes €60.00
8 classes | 12 classes – mixed programs €55.00 | €65.00
unlimited classes €80.00
private class | 1 client 45 min €35.00
private class | 1 client 60 min €40.00
private class | 2 clients 45 min €55.00
private class| 2 clients 60 min €66.00
8 classes | 12 classes – ONLINE €45.00 | €55.00
5 private classes | 10 private classes 10% off | 20% off
Strong & Fit Small Group | max 5 clients | 8 classes €75.00
Strong & Fit | drop in €20.00

NOTES: | THE TRIAL HOUR IS CHARGED as a drop in | if the student enrolls, it counts as first class as part of the arrivals package | upon the first registration of the year , an ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE (registration fee) is paid in the amount of €10.00 , and the same is valid for the current year (from the date of registration until the same in the following year when it is necessary to pay the annual membership fee again) | participants who pay drop-in do not need to pay the annual membership fee UNLESS they come to drop-in classes more than twice a month . Then it is necessary to pay a registration fee of €10.00 . | the membership fee is valid for one month from the date of enrollment and is non-transferable to the next month or to other participants. | The attendants may make up for classes they missed in any training group (regardless of their primary class) with previous announcement. | it is not possible to freeze the membership fee participants of the Small Group Strong & Fit program pay 50% of the price for the package of 8 classes (8x per month) for the use of other packages, and € 15.00 for the use of only one group program 1 class per week (4x per month).